Our Members
D4E offers three different membership categories: full membership, associate membership and strategic partnership.
Full membership is for companies based anywhere in geographical Europe with operations related to the drone industry.
Associate membership is for companies based anywhere outside of geographical Europe with operations related to the drone industry.
Strategic partnership is for anyone with interest in the drone industry, for example: individuals, universities and any other types of companies that don’t fall under the 1st and 2nd membership categories.
ALX Systems has been founded with the purpose that unmanned systems has to be more than radio controlled machines. Following are the core areas covered by ALX systems:
Drone fleet management
Mission management
Ultra-reliable and redondant communications
Multi-platform (Planes, helicopters, multicopters, rovers, boats)
Strategic Partners
The Drone Valley International creates a worldwide drone ecosystem supporting & catalyzing drones initiatives. Investing in Think Tank , Education, R&D, Industrial, Civil, Spatial defense applications, Diplomatic and international business. They are a cluster with the aim to boost the UAVs and RPAs sector by putting together relevant stakeholders but also from other necessary industries such as IoT, Robotics, Energy, etc…
MICRO FACTORY is a manufacturing workshop for professionals and individuals. Equipped with shared tools for manufacturing with wood, metal, digital etc.